Monday, 12 September 2011

9 Frame analysis

Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

The full video is set in one room as if the band are playing a live set. At the beginning the front man speaks before playing the song. He introduces the band 'we're Arctic Monkeys and this is I bet You Look On The Dancefloor, don't believe the hype'. This is said because at the time of the video the band was just coming up in the charts, and they have said in numerous interviews that they didn't realise how big they were becoming they still though they were a basic local band.
In this shot we can see the drummer singing, this is to give the feel of the band performing to you. The video has a live feel as if no lip syncing was needed.
Here we can see a meat shot of the main singer Alex Turner. As he is the front man of the band he appears a lot in the video with the use of close ups. Shallow focus is used here, this makes other members of the band seem insignificant. Since he is the front man he is  the most popular and familiarised with the audience. The second screen grab of the frontman we can see the audience in the background. We can also see a camera once again giving it a live performance feel instead of usual videos where we see little or no performances from the band.
This long shot shows the frontman the main guitar player and the drummer in the background. Goodwin's music theory says that the performers are wanted to perform in their videos as it's what the audience want to see.
This mid shot shows us the bassist it is the first independent shot he gets. Bass players are normally forgotten about in bands and are not as popular as guitar players or singers.
At first in this shot Alex (the front man) is in focus as he is singing, however when the drummer sings backing vocals we see Alex turn round and pull focus is used to bring the drummer into focus as he sings.
Another meat shot of Alex whilst singing, however the lighting on here give the feel of a live performance.
The lighting here gives the video a live gig feel. The fact we can see a camera as well shows the band to be idolised as the camera is on them. This could be interpreted as if the band want to keep themselves how they've always been and not let the fame go to their heads.
Here we see the band finishing the song, they look laid back as if they've just finished a local gig. The location looks like a basic building and the fact people are just sat around looks like they're the bands friends. Making them look chilled out and not bothered about the fame.

By Daniel Mcgovern

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